APL Acoustically Produced Luminescence |
Welcome to the website about the research results regarding the phenomenon of Acoustically Produced Luminescence.
This video shows cross sectional APL images of an ultrasonic radiation field, taken every 5 mm. The transducer is a Gymna 200 apparatus, operating at 3.3 MHz and 9.5 W acoustic power.
The used experimental setup for APL visualization. At each z-step the BaSiON sample is optically excited with UV light and then irradiated with ultrasound. This yields a cross-sectional image of the ultrasound beam at that particular distance z.
This video shows a 3D object created from the combination of multiple cross-sectional APL images of an ultrasonic radiation field, taken every 5 mm. The transducer is a Gymna 200 apparatus, operating at 3.3 MHz and 9.5 W acoustic power.
This website was founded by Simon Michels, a PhD student working with Philippe Smet and Mathias Kersemans at Ghent University.