Acoustically Produced Luminescence

Welcome to the website about the research results regarding the phenomenon of Acoustically Produced Luminescence.

This video shows cross sectional APL images of an ultrasonic radiation field, taken every 5 mm. The transducer is a Gymna 200 apparatus, operating at 3.3 MHz and 9.5 W acoustic power.

The used experimental setup for APL visualization. At each z-step the BaSiON sample is optically excited with UV light and then irradiated with ultrasound. This yields a cross-sectional image of the ultrasound beam at that particular distance z.

This video shows a 3D object created from the combination of multiple cross-sectional APL images of an ultrasonic radiation field, taken every 5 mm. The transducer is a Gymna 200 apparatus, operating at 3.3 MHz and 9.5 W acoustic power.

Data repository links

Advanced Optical Materials: "Fast and High-Resolution Ultrasound Pressure Field Mapping using Luminescent Membranes"

APL processing code (Matlab scripts)

This website was founded by Simon Michels, a PhD student working with Philippe Smet and Mathias Kersemans at Ghent University.

LumiLab research group

MMS research group